Understanding Old Barber Colman Part Numbers

Understanding Older Barber Colman Part Numbers: A Guide by CTE Control Systems

If you’ve ever tried to source parts for Barber Colman DYNA products, you’ve likely encountered some confusion with part numbers. Over the years, Barber Colman, and subsequenly Woodward, have used various part number styles, making it challenging to identify the correct components. At CTE Control Systems, we specialize in helping you navigate this complexity, ensuring you get the right parts to keep your systems running smoothly.

Why Do Part Numbers Change?

Barber Colman’s diesel and gas engine control division, founded in 1973 and acquired by Woodward in 2003, has seen several changes in part number styles. The changes in production locations, changes in regulatory requirements, and adoption into different company structures resulted in part number changes. Unfortunately, these changes often result in what appears to be obsolete products, when in fact, they are still in production under different numbers. This can be particularly challenging for those maintaining older systems who are unaware of these changes.

How CTE Control Systems Can Help

CTE Control Systems is the go-to expert for Barber Colman DYNA products. We maintain a comprehensive Technical Database that tracks part numbers, engines, and applications, making it easier for you to find the exact part you need or an equivalent alternative.

  • Identifying Obsolete Parts: Even if a part number appears obsolete, it’s likely that a new equivalent exists. Our database helps identify these equivalents, preventing unnecessary downtime.

  • Retrofit Solutions: We offer retrofit packages that replace older DYNA products, ensuring that your equipment stays up-to-date and operational.

Keeping Your Equipment Up-to-Date

Maintaining older Barber Colman DYNA systems doesn’t have to be a headache. With our expertise, extensive database, and commitment to customer service, CTE Control Systems ensures that you can keep your machinery running efficiently, no matter how old it is.

Don’t let outdated part numbers slow you down. Contact CTE Control Systems today for assistance with all your Barber Colman DYNA product needs.

For more information about our products, services, or to browse our full range of Barber Colman DYNA products, visit our website at coltrading.com.